Are you an Entrepreneur or a CEO
It’s long been an assumption that being an entrepreneur qualifies you for the role of CEO and vice versa. However, this is not always the case. While it is true that the two roles do have overlapping qualities, both the skillset and mindset requirements of the two positions are very different. Let’s start by taking a look at the role of entrepreneur. What is an Entrepreneur? As an entrepreneur you are willing to risk your own financial well-being in order to build a company that could one day be worth much more than your initial investment. You’re constantly thinking about the market, where your next opportunities lay, and initially you do everything within the business yourself. You have the ability to construct or provide the product/service at ground level whilst simultaneously being able to take a step back outside of the company to see it as a whole. You are busy raising money and building teams around you as your business venture gains momentum - studyin...